In the meantime.....
As many of you reading this know, the two main mentors in my life, Andrew & Sarah Beard are moving next week. And I've really been trying to concentrate on all the positives of the situation rather than be sad. For example:
- The day they announced their move was like a HUGE wake up call to what it means to be obedient to the Lord and all of the awesome things that come from it.
- Just days later, conversations I had with Sarah and another mentor led me to rediscover my true calling of full time youth ministry.
- I get to experience a glimpse of that and for the first time ever, get paid to work with the youth as part of a tripod (as I like to call it!) of interim youth directors - along with Allyson Lean and Andrew Michael Wermelskirchen until their full time replacements start.
- I've gotten some leads on other future possibilities.
- I've just really been challenged to be radical and speaking Truth to my students, in how I take care of my money, in how I go about looking for jobs, etc. And God has been working in ALL of it.
- Basically, thanks to Andrew & Sarah and all they have taught me by the way they live, my life is forever a way that lovingly and boldly pursues the Lord.
But I just read Sarah's blog post that she wrote while we were in the office today.....and it did indeed make me sad. Really sad. I truly feel that there is a good chance I am headed somewhere in Texas in the next few months of my life, but until (IF) that happens.....I will miss them dearly. I don't think that there are good enough words in this world to explain the ways they have impacted people's hearts and lives. A few years ago I never thought I'd work for a I feel like the best decision I ever made was to apply to intern for them in 2009.
Sarah, I feel like I will rewrite this in a note to you sometime...but I want you to know that you have not only taught me so much, both as a youth minister and as a woman of the Lord, but you have truly become one of my closest friends. And as much as I will miss your physical presence in my life, I can't wait to continue on our journey. And also continue hoping that we end up in the same city again soon. :)
But for now, I will wipe these tears from my eyes, remember God's faithfulness, and get excited about the opportunities ahead.
And oh yeah, try to find that cord........
God bless. :)
PS - If you'd like to find out more about what Sarah will be doing in Dallas - for this AWESOME organization called His Voice Global, please click here!!!
Sarah & I
Andrew & Sarah
Beard's house