Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Mix of Positivity & Mourning

Right now I am supposed to be doing something productive, but of course I am without the proper instruments to do so. (This will be fixed soon!)

In the meantime.....

As many of you reading this know, the two main mentors in my life, Andrew & Sarah Beard are moving next week. And I've really been trying to concentrate on all the positives of the situation rather than be sad. For example:
  • The day they announced their move was like a HUGE wake up call to what it means to be obedient to the Lord and all of the awesome things that come from it.
  • Just days later, conversations I had with Sarah and another mentor led me to rediscover my true calling of full time youth ministry.
  • I get to experience a glimpse of that and for the first time ever, get paid to work with the youth as part of a tripod (as I like to call it!) of interim youth directors - along with Allyson Lean and Andrew Michael Wermelskirchen until their full time replacements start.
  • I've gotten some leads on other future possibilities.
  • I've just really been challenged to be radical and speaking Truth to my students, in how I take care of my money, in how I go about looking for jobs, etc. And God has been working in ALL of it.
  • Basically, thanks to Andrew & Sarah and all they have taught me by the way they live, my life is forever a way that lovingly and boldly pursues the Lord.
But I just read Sarah's blog post that she wrote while we were in the office today.....and it did indeed make me sad. Really sad. I truly feel that there is a good chance I am headed somewhere in Texas in the next few months of my life, but until (IF) that happens.....I will miss them dearly. I don't think that there are good enough words in this world to explain the ways they have impacted people's hearts and lives. A few years ago I never thought I'd work for a I feel like the best decision I ever made was to apply to intern for them in 2009. 

Sarah, I feel like I will rewrite this in a note to you sometime...but I want you to know that you have not only taught me so much, both as a youth minister and as a woman of the Lord, but you have truly become one of my closest friends. And as much as I will miss your physical presence in my life, I can't wait to continue on our journey. And also continue hoping that we end up in the same city again soon. :)

But for now, I will wipe these tears from my eyes, remember God's faithfulness, and get excited about the opportunities ahead.

And oh yeah, try to find that cord........

God bless. :)

PS - If you'd like to find out more about what Sarah will be doing in Dallas - for this AWESOME organization called His Voice Global, please click here!!!

Sarah & I

Andrew & Sarah

Beard's house

Monday, April 4, 2011


This weekend I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Passion 2011 Conference in Ft Worth, Texas. Yes, I have been to Texas twice in a month...and it could be 3 times in one month soon! (Huskers, I still love you, I promise.)

Anyway, the weekend was amazing. While I wouldn't say that it necessarily changed my life (my life has been changing since the moment Andrew and Sarah announced their move), it was more of an affirmation that the direction I have chosen to start walking towards the last couple months is very much so the Lord's direction.

And one of the things with that is that finally, my words, or I should say, God's words - are returning in me. And it feels so good, because it is something I've been worried about...because I feel like I'm going to be in more of a teaching position soon. Many times when I'm talking, I feel like I don't make sense and I stumble over my thoughts a lot. But even so, I've been taking risks in speaking more boldly into some of my students' lives, and have also been praying this verse:

"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, AS I SHOULD." Ephesians 6:19-20

And He has been moving! Even times when I've thought I made no sense, girls have responded. He has been so faithful in showering them with love and causing movement. And my heart has been greatly encouraged. Take risks...see His promises fulfilled!

I love my youth. And that will forever be at the heart of my ministry. Because without love, everything we do means nothing. But sometimes, we just have to buck up and cross that bridge.

Be bold in your love. Speak Truth fearlessly. Trust that He will move...whether you get to see it in this lifetime or not.

God bless.